Home » Our Services Our Services Include:
Advice on the existence, extent, protection and exploitation of intellectual property and related rights including patents, trade marks, passing off, design rights, copyrights, know-how, trade secrets and confidential information.
Trade mark, trade name searches and subsequent advice.
Preparing and submission of Registered Trade Mark and Registered Design applications.
Advice on and preparation of a variety of Commercial trading agreements.
Preparation of intellectual property agreements, such as assignments, licences and confidentiality agreements.
Advice on possible intellectual property infringements and conduct of legal proceedings on behalf of either Claimant or Defendant, including emergency injunctions.
Advice on and preparation of distribution and commercial agency agreements, including guidance on the implications of the Commercial Agents Regulations 1993.
Intellectual property due diligence (investigations to discover intellectual property existence, usually on the sale and purchase of assets) and reports, together with the preparation of supporting documents.
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